

Avalon Innovation Model™

The Avalon Innovation Model™ is an iterative and user-oriented model that aims to
transform assumptions into facts and to minimise risk and uncertainty in development projects.
It increases the possibility of launching successful projects, services and experiences,
resulting in a maximum return on investment.

The Avalon Innovation Model™ (AIM) helps us to help companies and organisations to develop the most innovative products, services and experiences for the users of the future. We dig out and pitch the most important unsatisfied needs with the greatest innovation potential and resolve them using tomorrow’s smartest approaches.

By achieving the right insight, understanding the business and having tailored teams with really sharp innovators, we minimise risks and save valuable time in projects. This also gives us the conditions to launch products, services and experiences that the users of the future cannot do without. We take on both simple and complicated projects with everything from early formulation of goals and problems to supporting data for manufacturing and launch.

For more than 20 years we have had the benefit of successfully running several different kinds of innovation projects together with our customers in selected industries. All in all, this has given us a clear picture of what the best possible development

process looks like. By gathering invaluable knowledge and experience from our projects and assignments, both in Sweden and internationally, while at the same time acquiring the latest in innovation development, we have customised our own innovation model, AIM™. Using our model, we bring in a commercial perspective at an early stage of development and create clarity in terms of goals and work methods.

The model is made up of three phases: Insight, Ideate and Implement. During the project we appoint our specialists, such as project managers, industrial designers, interaction designers, management consultants, designers and system developers. Which specialists work on the project depends on the nature and scope of the project. This makes each project unique.

By applying the Avalon Innovation Model™, we make sure that our customers launch innovative, successful products, service and experiences in the market of the future.


The aim of the insight phase is to achieve total awareness of what the challenges are in order to be able to generate new, unique values. With a focus on exact business goals and specific stakeholders, we track down unsatisfied needs and create values that stand out and experiences that last.


During Ideate we create innovative solutions with structured product design in a concept that meets the users’ needs. When concept, usability and design meet in a joint, creative search for the right product, service or experience, we usually exceed the goals and the most desired needs of users.


Implement is when the concept is developed on the basis of a technical specification for manufacturing and product launch. Our broad, wide-ranging experience of design and manufacturing reduces lead times and provides total control over product quality throughout the whole process.


To provide the best possible support for each unique project, the model is generic, scalable and flexible. The work methods for carrying out activities and delivering clear deliverables in all phases of the projects guarantee efficiency, which combined with the project management methodology guarantees the quality of the whole project.

By putting an early focus on achieving insight, we significantly increase the possibilities of the right decision while at the same time minimising the risk of arbitrary assumptions. This results in our regularly succeeding in delivering new, unique added value to our customers’ products, services or business.

Let us tell you more!

Do you want to find out more about how we work with our innovation model? Feel free to contact us!

Jenny Helander

Patrik Enarsson

Business Director South
Direkt: +46 70 833 60 15

Jenny Helander

Emil Hillung

Business Director North
Direkt: +46 70 454 30 80

More about Avalon

For more than 20 years, we have been creating innovative product and system solutions for leading technology companies. With deep insights into innovation and a broad base of technical expertise, we help our customers face the future.

Read more about Avalon Innovation