Smart rim locks

Rimgard AB develops security solutions for car rims, they are aimed at both private individuals and companies that want to protect their vehicles from theft of rims, which is a growing problem, especially in the exclusive segments. The locks are designed to be discreet, through customized design to the respective rim, so as [...]


Bluetooth today and tomorrow

There is a growing trend towards wireless connectivity today and Bluetooth is the leading medium for paving the way. Bluetooth is a radio based wireless communication technology that was first released in 1999 to replace wired serial communication. The technology has gone through several revisions since then, each time improving [...]


We’re now on Instagram!

Want to find out more about us and what we do? Follow us on Instagram! Starting today, our innovators will be offering inspirational, interesting and amusing features as they take you behind the scenes @avalon_inside


A new look for Swedish Museums

This autumn, our consultant Cecilia Ritz has been working on a new website for Swedish Museums. Cecilia has done an outstanding job in WordPress, and the customer is very satisfied.
