It’s now official! Avalon Innovation is a new partner to UIC – Uppsala Innovation Center. UIC supports innovative startups and growth companies in all sectors with tailored business development support, networks, financing, and the expert knowledge required for development. In the business development programs, UIC works closely with the business community, for instance through approximately twenty UIC partners who contribute to the companies’ development through seminars, individual advice, and direct services. We at Avalon will complement other partner offers with software and IT development.

To develop the products and services of the future, UIC companies need support through the development process. We are convinced that Avalon’s expertise in product and system development will be of great benefit to the companies participating in our business development programs. At UIC, we are proud to continue creating a growing community of partners who together support UIC companies in shaping and realizing future solutions! We wish Avalaon a warm welcome to UIC’s network.
Emma Hansson, Program Manager UIC Build.

We at Avalon Innovation have been impressed by UIC’s work and results, and are very happy to get the chance to be a part of that operation. For over 25 years, we have helped countless small and large companies on their product development journey, and of course, we bring those experiences with us into this collaboration. We at Avalon Innovation are passionate about sustainable innovations that are not only good for our world, but are actually utilized and create added value. Therefore, it is particularly exciting to come in and support companies in early stages with our competence. I look forward to many exciting meetings ahead.
Andreas Danielsson, Business Manager at Avalon Innovation Uppsala.

For more information, please contact:
Andreas Danielsson
076-880 08 73

(Photo: Emma Hansson, Program Manager UIC Build)