Bengt is a product developer and gives us a glimpse of the European Spallation Source ERIC, one of the largest scientific and technical infrastructure projects currently under construction.

Bengt, what’s happening in your assignment right now?

I am on assignment at ESS, a European collaboration to build the most powerful neutron research facility in the world. In short, it involves neutrons hitting test samples. The facilities are designed to provide a controlled environment where researchers can examine material properties on a microscopic level. You could say that this is where the invisible becomes visible!

Right now, I am working on one of the 16 instruments at ESS. Due to restrictions on the allowed floor load, we need to relocate the position where neutrons will hit the test samples.

Exciting! Tell us, what is important when changing the position?

My role is to compile the impact of the move on:

– Type and number of neutrons reaching test samples
– Financial and time impact on the project
– How the design of the instrument is affected

I usually describe it as a big puzzle, where not all the pieces are in the box from the start. Our task is to find the pieces where they can be found and then shape new pieces based on what is already in place.

Where are you in the design process?

Fortunately, the instrument is not built yet! It is quite late in the design process that we discovered the floor load will be exceeded.

What is the biggest challenge with changes late in the design process?

Not missing anything! The product doesn’t exist in reality, only as a description in the minds of those who have developed it, which means we have to try to anticipate various possible scenarios.

Speaking of puzzles, will you be doing a holiday puzzle during the break?

Haha! No, I will take a break from puzzles during Christmas. Instead, I hope to enjoy a couple of days of cross-country skiing, but I need to venture outside Skåne to find snow and good tracks.

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